Dentistry with a Difference



As technology advances, all types of businesses and trades benefit and improve. It’s no different with dentistry, and at Curtiss Dentistry, we’re constantly looking toward the future to ensure that we’re on top of all the advances and innovations that help us to deliver state-of-the-art service to our patients.


Technological improvement in the field of general and cosmetic dentistry mean that we can deliver beautiful, lasting smiles to our patients in ways that are less invasive, less painful, and more natural-looking than were previously possible. If your smile is less than you’d like it to be, and you’d like to learn how modern dental technology can give you the smile you want and deserve, consider the following treatments, and then contact us at Curtiss Dentistry for more information.


Digital X-Rays (Radiographs)



With digital x-rays and imaging, you can have your overall dental health assessed, and also have your veneers and crowns installed in record time as compared with traditional systems. It literally is “while you wait,” and saves you money because you won’t need a temporary crown and a follow-up appointment. Digital technology is safe, and comfortable, and offers amazing clarity and definition along with lower levels of radiation. Not only do digital x-rays offer more accurate imaging, they streamline the process of having your restorative work done. It’s less time in the chair, and less money out of your wallet.


The Wand


What do you suppose is the biggest cause of patient stress in the dentist’s office? If you guessed the drill, then congratulations – you just picked number two. The biggest stressor, indisputably, is the needle. It’s painful, it looks terrifying coming into your mouth, and quite honestly, dentists don’t much like using it either.


Enter the Wand. It’s painless, stress-free, and delivers anesthetic that is computer regulated, so there’s no guess-work when it comes to the dosage. It’s just one of the many ways that your dental work can be made less difficult. The anesthesia targets only the tooth to be treated, so it’s considerably more effective than traditional syringes.


Intra-oral Camera


An intra-oral camera is a tool that we use to take pictures of the inside of your mouth. It can magnify your teeth up to 25x, and then project the image onto a special screen. With this type of camera, we can actually show you your entire mouth in all its glory – damaged fillings, plaque deposits, worn teeth and decay are visible in amazing detail. If you like, we can even print off pictures for you to take home, show to your family, post on Facebook, or whatever else pleases you.


The main advantage, of course, is that we can show you which areas of your mouth need to be treated. Also, if your insurance company needs proof of what has to be done, we can show them in detail.


Oral Conscious Sedation


Some dental patients are a bit apprehensive. Others are amazingly so. Unfortunately, when a patient is extremely anxious about dental treatment, he or she may avoid visiting the dentist. In such cases, oral conscious sedation is available. It’s a simple way of lowering a patient’s stress level so that treatment can be achieved without panic.


The usual method of oral conscious sedation involves the use of nitrous oxide, sometimes called “laughing gas.” It doesn’t make you laugh or giggle – it simply reduces your anxiety. It’s been in use for over a hundred years – that’s because it works. You’ll be awake while you’re being treated, but you won’t be fearful.


Contact Us

Curtiss Dentistry

1507 E Lamar Alexander Pkwy

Maryville, Tennessee 37804


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