Dentistry with a Difference

Dental Crowns


Dental CrownsIf you have teeth that are chipped, worn down, or otherwise damaged, dental crowns can improve the appearance of your teeth. They also add strength and stability by protecting the surface of the teeth from any further damage. Crowns are something like helmets for the teeth that protect while restoring the tooth to its original condition.


Dental crowns can be created from a number of materials. Porcelain is the most common, because it is the material that most resembles your natural teeth.


The Procedure


First, Dr. Curtiss will numb your tooth using a local anesthetic. Then he will remove the decayed areas, and create an impression of your teeth so that your crown can be created to fit properly. You’ll be fitted with a temporary crown, to ensure your comfort while you’re waiting for the custom crown. When your crown is ready, Dr. Curtiss will cement or bond it in place.


The Advantages


Dental CrownsCrowns are amazingly durable – in fact, they can last for about fifteen years, assuming that you take proper care of them. They don’t really require a lot of care either. All you need to do is make sure that you don’t grind your teeth, thus causing damage to the crown.


Crowns look just like your natural teeth – they can be colored to match the rest of your teeth, and they also provide the lustrous, translucent appearance that makes it difficult, if not impossible, to tell that you weren’t born with them. They also resist staining, and unlike bridgework or dentures, they’ll never slide or slip – this is because they’re cemented onto your damaged teeth.


Speaking of dentures and bridgework, you know that they can affect your speech. With crowns, you won’t have to worry about slurring or lisping. You also don’t have to fear bone loss in your jaw, which can also affect your speech.


Dentures and bridgework can sometimes cause discomfort, since they rest on top of your jawbone and your gums. Dental crowns, on the other hand, are non-irritating because they are completely stable. Also, you don’t have to take them out at night, and you never need to worry about misplacing them.


Crowns protect your teeth from decay, and are not susceptible to buildup of plaque.


A Better Smile


The reasons to consider crowns are, obviously, many. The biggest benefit to crowns, though, is largely emotional. If your teeth are damaged, you’re probably reluctant to laugh or smile, and you may even make it a point not to move your mouth much when you talk, for fear that people will see your broken or chipped teeth. This adversely affects your quality of life – who doesn’t want to be able to laugh and smile without feeling embarrassed?


Contact Us


You can get your smile back with dental crowns. Call Curtiss Dentistry at 865-984-3211. Dr. Curtiss and the rest of the dental team would be pleased to meet with you and talk about crowns as a way of improving your oral health and regaining your beautiful smile.




Contact Us

Curtiss Dentistry

1507 E Lamar Alexander Pkwy

Maryville, Tennessee 37804


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